Since right after my birthday, I have been on a weight loss journey. A crummy, extremely hard weight loss journey. I have been pretty much living off of meal replacement products for the last four months. It sucks. But, it has been working. I have lost nearly 30 pounds. Today was frustrating. Today was the first day since I started that I have gained weight. was nearly two pounds.
Now, before you poo-poo this, hear me out. I get weighed weekly. A loss of one pound is the most amazing feeling in the world. If I lose more, even better. If I maintain? Well, at least I didn't gain, and there's always the next week. If I gain? I'm failing, backsliding, and I need to re-tool what I'm doing.
Gaining is awful. I started back on one meal of real food a few weeks ago. I have had very slow progress since then. I have been struggling with portions and exchanges. I find myself deviating. But, it's cheaper and I can eat one meal with my family. I have been getting more physically active, but my eating is slipping again.
I have been advised to start meal planning. I love the idea because then I am able to plan my meals a tad more accordingly.
My only issue? My other family members. While they are extremely supportive on one hand, on the other the financial burden is getting a lot of flack. I don't enjoying spending $75 a week on meals just for me, but it is what it is. Additionally, with exercise. My DBF is always like, "Yeah I'll work out with you," then he hardly ever does. He also does a ton of the cooking and does not make the healthiest food choices.
I'm not blaming them for my failures, I just need a ton of support right now and feel as though I am getting very little.
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